Quietest Pool Pump

The best of the quietest pool pumps
It’s always important to make an informed choice when buying new equipment, so I’m going to use this post to guide you through the different features to look for when buying a whisper-quiet pool pump.
I’m also going to enlighten you about the parameters that you must take into consideration when you’re buying a new quiet pump for your pool.
Finally, I’m going to respond to queries I’ve had regarding the quietest pool pump to help you to avoid any confusion.

A lot of first-time buyers ask me this question.
I have to admit that the noise made by the pool pump was the last thing on my mind when I bought my first pump for personal use. I had absolutely no idea how much it was going to disturb my peace and quiet, let alone that of my next-door neighbors.
If you’re curious enough to want to dive right into the problem to find out what’s making this dreadful noise, you’re going to find that the biggest culprit to this sound pollution is the screeching made by the bearings.
If you find that your pump is making far too much noise, my advice is to listen carefully to try and figure out where the noise is coming from. It’s a good idea to start by deciphering if the sound is being made by the pump’s wet end or whether it’s the motor.
Of course, there are pumps available that are much quieter than others. This is because the manufacturers have made a particular effort to make sure that the amount of unwanted noise coming from them is reduced.
I know from experience that there can be many reasons why a pump may be very noisy and it is important to find out the reason why your particular pump is making noise.
In fact, I have found out through experience that the main reason causing the noise from your pool pump might be cavitation.

What actually is cavitation?
In layman’s terms, cavitation is what happens when a motor is starved of water. The motor needs to get enough water at a fast enough pace; if this does not happen there will definitely be problems.
This problem usually occurs when the pump has been running for a long period of time.
A consequence of continuous running is that the impeller will start to heat up. The excessive heat causes the brass insert inside the shaft of the impeller to become separated.
Following this separation, the only thing the impeller can do is to rattle around inside the motor, causing the loud, very irritating noise.
So, if you want to prevent unwanted noises, the lesson to learn here is to check your pump regularly and keep up a routine of maintenance.
An alternative reason for noise is that there could be an internal blockage somewhere.
Most of the internal blockages that I have come across has been caused by debris being pulled into the pump. This is what causes that horrible grinding sound.
As far as motor noise is concerned, I liken it to the noise made by angry cats when they are screaming at you.
This happens when the bearings in the pump motor start to deteriorate and you start to hear a very loud, rather unpleasant noise.
The problem is that you can’t lubricate the bearing in the motor.
The only really feasible way of solving this problem is to change the bearings.
Worst case scenario is that you might need to change the whole motor, but you surely don’t want to do that, as it’s very expensive.

So, now we will go through some of the most important parameters that you need to consider when you’re looking for the quietest pool pump with the best value for money.
There are actually many different parameters that need to be considered before buying anything, not just a quiet pool pump.
However, I am going to discuss four parameters here that you definitely should NOT ignore.

Power should be the top priority when buying a good pump.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to buy the pump with the most powerful motor.
The first thing to do is to find out what level of horsepower is sufficient for your needs.
It stands to reason that a large pool will need a much more powerful motor than a small pool.
For those of you who are first-time pump buyers, you need to know that pump power gets measured in gallons of water per minute (GPM).
An effective pump needs to circulate all the water in under 12 hours.
Additionally, the amount of GPM is directly in proportion to the horsepower, meaning higher horsepower equals more GPM.
Here I am going to share with you a method for calculating the amount of GPM needed for your pool.

  1. You need to know how many gallons of water your pool holds.
  2. Multiply this number by 2.
  3. Divide this number by 24 to give you the number of gallons per hour.
  4. Divide this number by 60 to give you the number of gallons per minute.

Following these steps should give you an easy way to calculate the GPM of your particular pool.

Maybe some of you aren’t bothered about having a noisy pool pump, which is fine and you can perhaps skip over this section.
But for those of you that prefer a much quieter life, you need to be searching for the innovative, high-technology models, as these are the ones that will be much quieter.
The general rule to keep in mind is that the stronger the pump, the noisier they are.
However, thanks to advancements in technology, there are pumps being manufactured that do not compromise on quietness.
The noise made by the pump is in direct proportion to the vibrations coming from the motor, as well.
The quiet pumps have thicker insulation.
The quietness of the pump is also dependent on the model.
For instance, a pump that has a variable speed will be quieter than other types.
You can also use these simple hacks to help you to make your pool pump significantly quieter:

  • Avoid making any 90° angles during the setting up process
  • Keep a minimal distance between pump and pool
  • Choose a larger pool filter over a smaller one
  • Clean the pool grates regularly.

There is no question about this, a pool pump needs to be running for many hours, so it really does have to be energy efficient.
If you choose a pump that is not energy efficient, then you will undoubtedly end up paying out more in the long run and your electricity bills will surely shoot up.
Energy efficiency is also dependent on the model chosen.
For instance, pumps that have variable speed and two speeds perform much better than others.
Also, pumps that have variable speed have powerful motors that have been specially designed to run for hours at a time. This may not always be possible with a regular type of pump.
In order to reduce the pumping time, it is a good idea to scrub the walls of the pool and to use chemical additives before each use of the pump.

There is no easy answer to this and it depends on many things.
There are people, like me, who want to make sure that they are getting the best product for the money they are spending and will certainly carry out a great deal of online and offline research.
When we are specifically looking to find quiet pool pumps the parameters that affect price are usually efficiency, power and the type of pump.
It isn’t difficult to find budget-priced pool pumps, but it’s not so easy to find one that suits all of your requirements as well.
We have already found out that a quieter pump is one that has more power and will have more high-end features, so it stands to reason that it will also be more expensive.
However, it is still important to choose a pump that is energy efficient and has no maintenance costs, as this will save you money in the long run.

You need to know the voltage of electricity used by your current pump before you buy another one.
In case you don’t know, pool pumps are usually made for two voltage outlets, namely 120V and 240V.
So you can see that there will be problems if you buy a machine made for 120V when your electricity is 240V.
That doesn’t mean that these problems cannot be overcome, but it would mean making major modifications in order for the pump to run successfully and this would inevitably mean greater cost.

Your pool pump will obviously be used regularly and for many hours at a time, so it is highly likely that something will eventually go wrong. It’s only a machine, after all.
Therefore, it makes sense to look out for a proper warranty and great customer service.
It’s also a good idea to search for the brands that offer good after-sales customer service.

First-time pool pump buyers are often concerned about the type of pump that they should buy.
Another concern is what effect the pump type has on features like quietness and energy efficiency.
The best advice I can give is to go for a pump that has a variable speed as you will be able to set it to run for exactly the right RPMs of the pool.

Remember, you don’t always need to buy a product that has lots of high-end, luxury features, though you can choose any model you want if money is no object.
You might actually be attracted to some of the more high-end pumps because some of their features are rather idiosyncratic.
The most essential features to look for, though, are multiple operating speeds, digital displays and over-sized strainer baskets.

This is obviously a feature that needs to be considered when buying new equipment.
Make sure that you have already calculated the number of gallons of water your pool holds.
This is particularly useful when you are considering features such as the power of your pool pump and the flow rate necessary to circulate the amount of water that you have.
If you are having problems being able to choose the right pump or finding the correct power and flow rate, then it’s always a good idea to check what the manufacturer suggests.
The size of pool is important when purchasing a quiet pump because it affects parameters such as power and flow rate.

You don’t always have to rush out and buy a new pump. There are a number of hacks that you can use with your existing pump to reduce the noise it makes.
I’m not saying that these would be as effective as investing in a completely new pump, but they are still worth a try.
Let’s go through each one, then.

There’s no getting away from the fact that a pool pump makes noise, but there must be something wrong if yours is making noises that are particularly loud.
We usually tend to find that it is the vibration of the motor that is making it worse.
If you find that your pool pump is being particularly noisy, the first thing to do is to have a look at the vibration in the motor.
Checking the vibration is something simple that has solved the noise issues for many of my clients.
It’s also a good idea to check to see if there any loose bolts and screws or the like, as these can also contribute to the amount of vibration.
If this is the case, you need to remove the bolts, add rubber pads to insulate the vibration and then replace the bolts.

You must make sure that you clean the skimmer basket, as an accumulation of debris can cause clogging , meaning the pump will not receive enough water, which in turn leads to noise.
It is also possible to get quiet pool pumps that have huge baskets and this means that they don’t need to be cleaned as often.

If the pump motor doesn’t receive enough water, it starts to heat up and this can cause lots of problems.
The best advice is to make sure you check the water level of the pool.
If you find that the motor isn’t getting enough water, you must increase the water level of the pool in order to prevent any problems.

Another important point is to ensure that the impeller does not get clogged with leaves or anything like that, as this may also cause unwanted noises.
If anything gets stuck in the impeller of the motor, the proper flow of water over the pump may be prevented. This could lead to a shortened lifespan of the pump, as well as the unwanted noise.
Watch this video to help you know how to clean the impeller.

It is highly unlikely that you will need to replace your pump’s bearings, unless the machine is very old or it has been used particularly aggressively for a long period of time.
However, this is not completely impossible.
It is highly recommended that you try all other methods to cure the noise problem before trying this one.
Use this method only if nothing else has worked.
If you have tried all of the other methods and your pool pump is still making a terrible noise, you need to hire a professional to do it. Only attempt this yourself if you are an expert.
If you do this yourself and use the wrong bearing or place it incorrectly, you could cause permanent damage to the motor.
However, if you decide to do this job yourself, please watch this video first.

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